-Tokyo, Japan. Since the beginning on the new year, Taylor Wilde, Portia Perez and Rayna Von Tosh had been sent to the land of the rising sun to compete for New Japan Pro Wrestling. With their tour over they were nearly ready to head home in time for the Royal Rumble. The only thing left to do was a few more publicity spots and they would be all ready to catch a flight back to the States. As they walked through the streets on a winter afternoon, the camera's caught them in the middle of their conversation. All three were dressed in winter attire, Rayna's clothing was very stylish, Taylor's very colorful and kiddy and Portia's tomboy like and skater-ish-
Taylor Wilde: ...and they all scream something I can't understand and try to kick me in the face.
Portia Perez: It's AWESOME.
-Portia was the only one of the three who had wrestled in Japan before and loved the ridiculously competitive nature. Rayna, trailing behind the two, glanced up from her cell phone-
Rayna Von Tosh: You realize you have a title defense when we get back home, correct?
Taylor WIlde: YAY! Against who?
Rayna Von Tosh: Nikki Bella.
Portia Perez: PFFT. What did they hire her for?
Rayna Von Tosh: She is actually on a four match winning streak. Undefeated, as it were.
Taylor Wilde: Goodie for her! I'll almost feel bad about having to end that for her. Almost. I like my title too much to feel too terrible about it.
-Taylor smiled at the sparkling gold belt she had slung over her shoulder. Normally she wouldn't just pack it around but she needed it for her upcoming appearance. She began to tap at her chin as a thought popped into her head.-
Taylor Wilde: Do you think she ever forgets which one she is? I mean, she is a twin. And they are identical. Do you think she ever wakes up some morning and thinks she's Brie?
Rayna Von Tosh: They never struck me as overly intelligent so it's entirely possible, darling.
-Taylor continued bouncing along in contentment before pausing suddenly. Her eyes turned wide and her expression went grim. She spun around to face the other two.-
Taylor WIlde: But...what if I end up wrestling Brie instead of Nikki?
Portia Perez: Who cares? They look exactly the same.
Taylor Wilde: Yeah but what if I beat BRIE and NIKKI shows up and says I never actually beat the right twin! I don't want people to think I'm a cheating champion!
-Portia pauses for a long moment before her eyes narrow upon the goofy blond-
Portia Perez: You. Are. A. Retard.
Rayna Von Tosh: OK, OK, look where we are!
-The trio looked upwards to the building they stood in front of. The large sign read "SUDA51" followed by kanji that none of them were able to translate.-
Taylor Wilde: This is the place! Catch ya both later!
Rayna Von Tosh: Just understand that Japanese television can be a tad...strange. It's a different culture.
Taylor Wilde: I'll be fiiiiine.
-Taylor waved and headed on inside of the studio. As she disappeared, Portia mumbled under her breath-
Portia Perez: Have fun. ....'Tard.
Taylor Wilde: NO YOU!
-This was certainly stranger than Taylor had expected. She sat on a stool in the middle of what seemed like nowhere. It was completely dark except for a small spotlight upon her. She fiddled her hands together and swung her legs back and forth, looking a bit nervous. She had changed clothes for the interview, now wearing a light blue t-shirt with Reptar, the giant, green, rampaging dinosaur from the cartoon Rugrats on it. A short gray jean skirt, a pair of knee length purple wool socks and green chucks finished off her ensemble. Finally, her hair was pulled back into a pair of short pigtails. Everything was silent until a loud voice finally rang out....
-Startled after the sudden announcement, Taylor looked about as the room was filled with light. The stage was was on was large and covered in brightly colored stars. Lights from the ceiling whisked about, like the kind from a police helicopter. In the center of the stage were a series of steps, covered in lights similar to those of a Christmas tree. Even stranger there was a jazz band on the left side of the stage and some kind of weird, boy-band like group on the right, singing in Japanese. Smack dab in the middle of it all, above the neon nightmare of a set-up was a huge sign that spelled out "FUN TIME." With all the singing and instruments, a man in a sharp suit walked down the steps followed by women in sparkly silver dresses, wearing red fur coats. Understandably, Taylor was highly confused.-
Taylor Wilde: ...What...
-It took a moment but Taylor eventually realized that the voice had announced "Sky High Champion, Taylor Wilde." She smiled and waved to the camera-
Taylor Wilde: ....OH! That's ME! HELLO!
-The Japanese man in the suit took a seat on a stool beside Taylor as his dancing girls stuck around beside him. He bowed respectfully and Taylor returned the gesture.-
Kai: I am Kai. Welcome to FUN TIME. Teira Wairudo.
Taylor Wilde: Happy to be here!
-As they spoke, everything they said popped up in Japanese on the televisions of anyone watching at home along the bottom of their screens-
Kai: You are a very tough, cute American wrestling girl, yeah?
Taylor Wilde: Well, erm, I'm actually a Canadian. But I am tough!
Kai: Ah. Canadian, Canadian. From EBWF? America's number one promotion. What brings you to Japan?
Taylor Wilde: To wrestle for New Japan Pro Wrestling, of course! Japan's number one promotion! And I had a great time! My skills are UBER sharp now!
Kai: Very competitive, yeah?
Taylor Wilde: Yeah! Super competitive! But now I think I'm ready to go back to the USA and defend my title.
Kai: Royal Rumble. HUGE EVENT. This Sunday?
Taylor Wilde: Yep! And you guys can watch it too! We love our Japanese fans!
Kai: And you defend against...Nikki Bera?
Taylor Wilde: Right again.
-Loud booing and hissing is heard but it doesn't seem to come from anyone present on the stage. Taylor looks about, trying to find where the negative responses are coming from-
Kai: Ah. Nikki Bera. Beso. Beso. Very full of herself. No modesty. Very troublesome. Can you defeat her?
Taylor Wilde: Heck yeah I can! I've already beaten a crazy Latina last month in a casket match. I've faced the best our division has to offer and I've beaten just about everyone. And she may be on a winning streak and I'm glad she's confident in her abilities. But there is a difference between being confident and being cocky. And from what I've heard the locker room would probably give me a standing ovation if I beat a little modesty into her. So expect her to come out of this match way more humble.
-The host, the dancing girls, the band and the singers all strike strange, identical poses. They all stand on one foot with their arms stretched out at their sides.-
Taylor Wilde: W...What does that mean?
Kai: Life! Spirit! Strength!
Taylor Wilde: Oh. Well then, INOCHI!
-Taylor hops off of her stool and strikes the same pose-
Kai: Yes! Go! Teira Wairudo! Retain your title! Defeat the evil Nikki Bera! KICK ASS!
Taylor Wilde: YEAH! GO ME!
-The dancing, lights, music and singing begin up once again....-
"Apple colored monsters!
Nut scented aliens!
Sparkle, sparkle!
Popcorn shower!
-Taylor raises a brow at the singing that's in horribly broken English. Obviously there is some translation issues with the lyrics. But she just shrugs and joins in with the dancing as the camera zooms backwards before fading out.-
-Back in Taylor's hotel room she sat on the edge of her bed with her eyes glued to a television set. She had just watched a DVD containing Nikki Bella's last four matches, ending with her latest victory over Rosa Mendes, supplied to her by the EBWF front office. It also contained her promo's so the champion could get a read on her personality. Portia Perez stood against a nearby wall with her arms folded.-
Portia Perez: What do you think?
Taylor Wilde: I think that I like almost everyone I meet but I REALLY want to punch her in the head.
Portia Perez: That's a good response!
Taylor Wilde: I mean she's all...
-Taylor performed a sassy "Z" snap and pursed her lips-
Taylor Wilde: Nuh-uh girlfriend! Besos! Someone really needs to bring her back down to Earth. What does besos mean anyway?
Portia Perez: Nobody knows. But she does have a win over a former Women's Champ so she must not be as inept as she looks.
Taylor Wilde: Well, I'll fix that attitude up for her. I'll be all over her like a monkey on a cupcake.
Portia Perez: That's...a good thing?
Taylor Wilde: Yeah, that's a good thing! If she knows ANYTHING about me then she knows...
-Taylor takes her Sky High Title and holds it high above her head-
Taylor Wilde: That I looooove my Sky High Title! And it's going to take more than a nasty personality to take it from me! Maybe next time she'll work more on her wrestling and less on her mean twitter insults!
-She flops onto her bed with her arms spread over her head and her title laying loosely over her waist-
Taylor Wilde: So, yeah. I do think I can beat her. And hopefully she will take this loss and become a better person from it.
Portia Perez: Somehow I doubt it.
Taylor Wilde: It never hurts to try!
Portia Perez: Cool. When you retain your title at least you won't have a reason to throw a fit when I toss your ass out of the Rumble.
Taylor Wilde: Nuh-uh! If anyone is winning the Rumble it's me!
Portia Perez: Yeah right! I'll just let you over sleep and leave you stranded in Japan! Then what?!
Taylor Wilde: (gasping audibly) You wouldn't do that!
Portia Perez: In a heart beat! I want that ticket to WrestleMania!
-The two continue to bicker as the camera backs out of the room. In the morning they would hop on a flight back to the states to further prepare. Taylor for her title defense and all three for their participation in the Royal Rumble-